Saturday, April 28, 2012

Reading week

Grade 1 B had so much fun engaging in reading activities all week long. Here are photos of some of the fun things we did.

Character Parade: 
We came to school dressed as our favorite book character. We walked in a parade to show off our costumes to other classes.


Book Sharing: 
We shared our favorite books from home with our friends.

Reading with KG2: 
We visited the Preschool and read to students in a KG2 class. 

My what a busy week! Everyone enjoyed celebrating what excited readers we are!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Observing Weather

For the new unit of inquiry "How the World Works" Grade 1B students ventured outside to observe the weather. They used their eyes, ears, skin and noses to observe the weather of the day. Students recorded their observations in pictures and words.
Back in the classroom we shared our observations and made predictions about the weather for the rest of the day.