Sunday, December 4, 2011

Internet Resources for Celebration Research

Dia De Los Muertos

Also called: Day of the Dead









o (click to download powerpoint)



Chinese New Year




St. Patrick’s Day


o Log In: ic Password: Lebanon




Earth day:






o Long video skip introduction.

Children’s day:

St. Lucia Day:

Friday, November 18, 2011

This is when We took a picture for Independence day. (Samaya)
We have lots of pride in Lebanon!! (Miss. Emilee)

Malek and I were working in centers. We were making a word wheel. (Mosbah)
We are writing happy birthday on the board. (Lana)
All the girls and one boy they are reading to all the girls. (Malek)
My grade 4 buddy read me a story and I read one to her. (Dana B.)

Friday, November 11, 2011

This is a receptionist. People call the hotel and she answers the phone. (Naya R.)
This is the restaurant. They were making food for the people that came to the restaurant. (Lana)
This is a baker. She gave us manouche (Emma C.)

Friday, November 4, 2011

October 31st - November 4th

In buddy reading some of the grade four students came to our class and some of us went to their class. (Emma C.)
Our buddies read in different ways. (Emma S.)

A girl was reading for me. (Reine)
My, My, What a busy week!

Friday, October 28, 2011

October 24- 29th

Trying out "Bean Scoop" game. In this game we learned how to compare numbers.
In Reading Room center we listened to the story Swimmy then wrote about the story in our journals.
In PYP center we went on a "treasure hunt" around school to see the wonderful people who are a part of our school community.

On Thursday we interviewed Ms. Dina. We asked her many questions about how she contributes to our community.

Friday, October 21, 2011

October 17-21

We can show respect by following the rules. (Marwan)
We can show respect by cleaning up. (Tamara I. )
When someone is talking you should wait for your turn to talk. (Bassel)
One way to be responsible is to take care of someone. (Alexander)
We have to flush the toilet to be responsible. (Lana)
We can pick up garbage whenever we see it on the floor. (Michel)
We can be responsible for our things, and remember to put them in our backpack. (Naya R.)

We drew pictures of people showing cooperation. (Dana B.)
These are now on our bulletin board.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Ocotber 5-14

Capital letter hunt: We took white boards and searched the classroom for capital letters.

Painting portfolio cover pages.

Respect, Cooperation and Responsiblity.
Grade 1B brainstormed ways to show these attitudes and then drew pictures and wrote about how to show respect, cooperation and responsibility. Their work is now on display on the class bulletin board.

Friday, October 7, 2011

October 3rd-7th

This week we did many fun things:
  • Today we wrote about Little Red Ridinghood. (Emma C.)
  • Today we had art (Malek)
  • Today we had French (Samaya)
  • We matched letter sounds with pictures (Dana B.)

Photos to come....

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Welcome to classroom 1B

We are putting the books in the baskets (Alexander)
We are organizing the books (Marwan)

We are fixing the Books (Lana)

The Classroom was a little organized (Tamara I)

Before school: Miss Emilee was Fixing the Classroom Just for Us. (Emma C. )